Friday, February 12, 2010

The Bad sort of Tea Party....

Here is an article from the Economist about the tea-party convention in the USA. It's a hardcore Republican party asking for smaller government and lower taxes, oh ya, and extremely racist. The best part is, some of them are trying to figure out a way to prove Obama is not a real American (through immigration papers?)! 
In short, it's the typical party for a racist middle or higher income class caucasian Christian American. Sad, but true. 

The Tea-Party Convention: Scenes from a counter-revolution

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Satire: Mama Ellada

About the play: 
In it, two corrupt politicians sell off the Acropolis to businessmen so they can turn it into a casino. The purchasers turn out to be priests.
I am surprised that has not happened yet! 

Beyond the Greek Financial Crisis

Some interesting articles from the BBC on the Greek financial crisis. The crisis is more than just a Greek problem, or a European one... It represents an international one. 

Tory MEP Daniel Hannan blames euro for Greek crisis

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tea Party by Joyce Shelton

My new obsession! I am completely in love with tableware collection items created by Joyce Shelton! Here are a few pictures of my favorite collections. I bought my first cup, plate, spoon while in Vancouver, BC. I will try to get a list of places that sell these items in Montreal. 

Joyce Shelton Website:
Blog: Doddles & Scribbles -

Monday, February 8, 2010

Love by Khalil Gibran

About the Author

BlueSkYellow. Her interests range from politics, cooking and baking, nature, Bikram yoga, and discovering beautiful places around the world, particularly in Greece.